To our Community,

This is the most recent update from our school based on CDC, state and county advices about COVID-19.

To respect the law and the community health we have decided to require all instructors, students, clients and office stuffs to keep us updated immediately if they feel or have any symptoms of COVID-19 or tested positive. We require all students instructors while in driving sessions to go under temperature checks, wear mask use sanitizers and disinfectants to clean and sanitize the area and all vehicles.  Before and after each students  all high contact areas in the vehicle will be completely sanitized and cleaned by the instructor all students will get their temperature checked by the instructor with a contactless thermometer and will have their hands sanitized before entering the vehicle for  behind the wheel session. At all time the student and instructor must have their masks ON and must have hand sanitizers available for students in car while driving session is in progress. We have limited the amount of sessions per instructor also we made all driving sessions private lessons where instructors are only allowed to have one student at a time inside the car (unless in an emergency situation or training a new instructor we will keep students updated in advance). Due to COVID-19 parents are not allowed to ride-along with students. Students will have the option and the opportunity to have the windows down or stop and step outside for a fresh air if they wish. If the student is not comfortable for any reason he or she may ask us for extra help to resolve the issue or they will have the opportunity to stop and cancel their session and programs without any extra fees.

There is nothing more important to us than your safety and health, we are doing everything we can to ensure the wellbeing of our students and employees. We will make sure to follow all  guidelines for safety and health from state, county and CDC.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at phone: 510-755-2595 or email: at .


First and Final Driving School